ArtSpan Members believe in the power of art to improve our community.

As a Member, you will receive access to art events throughout the year. More importantly, your gift will help provide programs for artists, collectors, youth, and the general public. 

New Member
Annual Dues *
Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Member Personal Information - log in required
Credit Card
If you have a PayPal account, you can click the PayPal button to continue. Otherwise, fill in the credit card and billing information on this form and click Continue at the bottom of the page.
Checkout securely. Pay without sharing your financial information.
Billing Name and Address

This information will appear on your online ArtSpan profile and in promotional material. You are responsible for maintaining its accuracy.

Public Artist Profile
Include http://
Please copy and paste the full hyperlink of your YouTube video to the box below.
Please copy and paste the full hyperlink of your YouTube video to the box above.
Please copy and paste the full hyperlink to your appointment scheduling software for those patrons who'd like to book a private visit. (Example: Calendly)

Community Survey

An essential part of ArtSpan’s funding comes from grants which ask for the demographic, ethnic, and racial data of the populations we serve. Your responses to the optional questions below help ArtSpan continue to receive granted funds and improve our programming to be more inclusive.

Your responses will be kept confidential.

Do you identify with one of the following communities?
If you selected "Not Listed" above, please provide a list of the communities you identify with that were not included as an option.
What are your preferred pronouns? (Example: she/her)

Are you interested in hearing more about need-based support?