Artist Statement: 


My work begins with a captured image – a photograph - of something external in the perceived world which is then modified through techniques and media to provide an altered perception, an internal reaction, to that reality my methods produce images of surreal luminosity where the blurring and graying and softening of lines creates an ethereal emanation of internal light.

They are glowing from within.

Movement- water mist -flow
The fog rolling in from the ocean along the coast
gently softening everything and the world quiets down.

We humans are always drawn to bodies of water.
It doesn't seem to matter whether it’s the vastness of our oceans,

the stillness of a small pond, with the wind dancing on it.
It’s ever changing like life is.
We love to spend hours pondering before it.
It’s a great place to think and clear out our head and explore with our heart and soul.

We owe everything to water and light, the power of life.   

Artist Display Name: 
Tim Burns