Artist Statement: 

I try to appropriate (when appropriate) from artists of the past and use iconic images of the present to create a body of work that uses ideas and materials that have been discarded and ignored as useless or trivial and transform them into something that can be appreciated.

Business has usurped the very meaning of manufactured and perverted it. As taken from the two Latin words manus for hand and the verb factere for to do/make, manufactured literally means made by hand. In other words, art is all that's left in our world that is manufactured. Andy Warhol's use of the term "factory" for his center of production was a reflection of this reality. Everything else, if it were put more accurately, is machinafactured goods.

To then share these creations, I have made greeting cards and websites and, of course, a Facebook page, learning along the way that the marketing of art takes far more creativity, toil, time and expense than producing the art in the first place does. 
So the goal of my Open Studio participation is to share the excitement of creating and showing (and hopefully, selling) art.


Artist Display Name: 
Robert Lowrey