Artist Statement: 

Heidi McGurrin specializes in Fine Art, Commercial Display, Weddings and Portraiture. For the past few years she has been teaching as a Professional Artist in the Schools for the Arts Council of Monterey County and giving her own private workshops on creativity, using journal and collage imagery to create individual personal stories. Her work has been featured in Books, Magazines, and on album covers locally and nationally. Her photographs have been published in 'Steinbeck Country Revisited' 2000, and 'Coyote' by Richard Miller. Her illustrations accompany the stories in the 'Rocky Point Murders' published October, 2001. Her ‘Havana Dream’ book has just been published on For the last 31 years she has been photographing Big Sur, and the Central Coast of California, the Southwest and the Southern hemisphere. Cuba, Haiti and Mexico. She has worked with several well known photographers including Brett Weston, Cole Weston, Al Weber, and Morley Baer.

Heidi’s photography has been exhibited in Galleries and Museums throughout the Central Coast and Washington D.C. She recently finished a commission for the Santa Lucia Preserve in Carmel Valley. She has exhibited at the Monterey Peninsula Museum, the Carl Cherry Foundation, the Center for Photographic Art, and the Ansel Adams Gallery, to name a few.

She has a strong interest in Mexico, Cuba, and Haiti from where she has recently returned with a rich collection. Her images evoke the time and spirit of the currently unsettled states, and endangered lifestyle of their people. Heidi McGurrin is becoming known for her Cuban, Haitian and Mexican work. She has been honored to present her Cuban Exhibition work on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. In May of 1998 she was invited by Congressman Sam Farr to present her collection of Cuban photography in the the Cannon House Rotunda. Her life thoughts and travel impressions were written into the Congressional Record by Congress. In September 2011, she published her Cuban book ‘Havana Dream’ on

Heidi photographs tell stories that make you feel the rhythm of our planet and helps us understand it better. Her images are about being strong and being in one’s heart. The timeless beauty of her photography surrounds us and makes us feel the infinity of life itself.

Artist Display Name: 
Heidi McGurrin