SF Open Studios Mentor Mixer

Need some advice about taking part in SF Open Studios (SFOS) season? Meet with ArtSpan's SFOS Mentor Team, in person, at Miro Studios in San Francisco! Speak with seasoned SFOS artists about what their SFOS experiences, how to use and maximize registration benefits, receive advice about recommended preparations and on how to promote your event.


San Francisco Open Studios

ArtSpan invites you to the 50th annual production of San Francisco Open Studios

Since 1975, ArtSpan’s citywide SF Open Studios program has connected local artists to San Francisco’s residents and visitors. Now in its 50th annual production, ArtSpan’s SF Open Studios is a testament to the enduring power of art to bridge communities, and to the unyielding spirit of the artists who have been at the forefront of shaping San Francisco's cultural identity.