Civi Group Option Value ID: 

Artist: Janet Jones (authored by JanetJonesSFCA)

Artist Display Name: 
Janet Jones
Artist Statement: 

For several years I considered myself primarily a printmaker, but my interest in pushing the boundaries of printmaking has led me more and more into collage and mixed media. I began my life in art as a painter and graphic designer, and that background still informs all that I do. My work is filled with layers of information and of meaning, and often contains odd juxtapositions with their own resonance, open to endless interpretations.

Primary Artwork Thumbnail: 

Artist: martine jardel (authored by Martine Jardel)

Artist Display Name: 
martine jardel
Artist Statement: 


I am interested in exploring the space between representation and abstraction. Rather than being products of preconceived ideas, as the landscapes and seascapes my works may often suggest, each image represents -if anything- a departure from certainty. Lately I have been exploring mixed media technique on Mylar sheets.


Primary Artwork Thumbnail: 

Artist: Jack Jacobson (authored by jackjacobson)

Artist Display Name: 
Jack Jacobson
Artist Statement: 

I received my training as an architect at London University (formerly called Northern Polytechnic School of Architecture), and so after many years of presenting architectural renderings in graphite, ink line and in watercolor, I am now enjoying a new means of expression through the Intaglio medium combining line and aquatint.

I am intrigued by both structure and the juxtapositions that occur in our urban landscape. The interplay of form and reflection can be seen as a duel between apposing forces. Façade vs. mirror, light vs. dark, my work attempts to present portraits of our cityscapes, which ultimately are portraits of ourselves.


Artist: Renee DeCarlo Johnson (authored by Renee DeCarlo Johnson)

Artist Display Name: 
Renee DeCarlo Johnson
Artist Statement: 
For me, art is the practice of experimentation and invention – experimentation of
materials, and the invention of relationships formed between materials. I rely on the
connections and boundaries between traditions of craft and the influence of technology
and contemporary media. In my pursuit to bring various processes together, I find 
myself working in the spaces between traditional tactics. It is within these intersections of
traditions that I create my own process, invent new relationships and build upon those
relationships with color.

Artist: Kay Marshall (authored by kaymarshall)

Artist Display Name: 
Kay Marshall
Artist Statement: 

My work is process orientated. It reflects my interest in memory, impermanence, and the relationship between opposites such as order vs. chaos, structure vs. gesture and line vs. form. The work is meditative and I try to show those things that are unexplainable or unspoken. Each piece has its own history which is partially revealed through various layers. They are images and marks contained in layers of space and time.
