Sawyer Rose

sawyerrose's picture

The Carrying Stones Project uses a unique combination of art and data science to jump-start public conversation about women’s work inequity.

In the U.S., women are clocking nearly twice as many unpaid labor hours— housework, caring for children and elders, volunteering— as men.

The large-scale sculptures at the core of the project are built using real-life work data collected from a diverse group of female-identifying workers:

1) Project participants record their work hours, paid and unpaid, in a custom-built timekeeping app.

2) I translate each woman's hours into a data visualization sculpture that lets viewers see the vast number of hours each woman logs at her paid job and at her unpaid home or volunteer work.

3) Once a woman’s data sculpture is complete, I take a portrait of each woman lifting and carrying her sculpture— bearing the burden of her hours in a real and physical way.