VaLinda Kyrias

kyrias's picture
Neighborhood: North Bay

"Genomics Expressionism" is the theory behind an artistic expression concerned with the fractal structure, function, evolution, and mapping of cells within a design environment. Fractals are patterns that repeat at increasingly fine scales and are prevalent in natural scenery (examples include clouds, rivers, and mountains). The underlying fractal system implies a direct relationship with nature within the work. That sense of peace you get when you are in nature is the impact I hope my work has on the viewer.

Within each collection, you will find various representation of the same theme that appear related but are not alike. This is the result of basic design elements applied in various ways and/or combinations. It is this infinite potential result that I call "Genomics Expressionism." For each collection I have created a "fractal sketch." This is a black and white image illustrating the basic underlying fractal pattern for each collection. I use this fractal sketch in the design process; manipulation the collection elements until a distinct fractal pattern becomes visible.