Guta Galli

gutagalli's picture

I am a Brazilian transmedia artist working with photography, video, installation and performance art.
My artistic process engages with photography as a hybrid medium, constantly oscillating between the real and the fictional, and the tension between what is memory and what is invention.
My researches shed feminist light - and shades - on how the cultural misrepresentation of women leads to violence.
When working with performance or video, I face the photographic lens or the audience in an attempt to partially abandon the power of the mediator and simultaneously experience and expose the vulnerability, violence and ambiguities discussed through on my photographic work.
My latest work -the series of performances The Minotaur and Us- is a combination of performance art, social practices and a series of video performance installations.
In a few words, it’s a performative study about the intersections between womanhood, power, race, sexuality and violence.