Elizabeth Addison

eaddison's picture
Neighborhood: SOMA

My artwork is deeply rooted in the natural world — voicing stories at the crossroads of visual art and science. My multidisciplinary studio practice encompasses printmaking, mixed media, digital media, and immersive installation. I record images on daily walks and transform them into Mandalas of ‘the one… the universe.’ These range from examining California’s native flora and waterways to consistencies in nature’s forms and environmental equity.

California's last wild river, the Smith, is my current muse. Through dimensional collage and mixed media., I examine her (yes, the Smith River is a "she") qualities and interpret her messaging. These works are dimensional, incorporating original photography from, and digital imagery inspired by, my annual visits along the Smith near the Oregon border. I print my imagery on 100% cotton rag paper at Kala Art Institute, then cut, paint, and construct dimensionally. These works are intentionally mandala-like, embodying my experiences, reverence, and wonder.

I'm especially proud of my curatorial work over the past few years with the Northern California Women’s Caucus for Art, as their Exhibitions Chair. I'm also an Artist-in-Residence at Kala Art Institute, and Creative Director of the Bay Area Women Artists’ Legacy Project. My artwork is exhibited throughout the West Coast and nationally and included in numerous collections.