Debra Reabock

dreabock's picture
Neighborhood: SOMA

Distinctive Abstract Architecture Photography

I’m a San Francisco abstract photographer, with a passion for transforming imagery of modern architecture into unusual geometric shapes, forms, and stunning designs.

The theme of my work is Transformation. The changing cityscape of San Francisco architecture combined with my interest in modern buildings led me to photograph sustainably created architecture.

First, I view the building from unusual vantage points to discover a unique perspective that we don’t see at first glance. Then focus on the interplay of light, space, movement, and dimension to convey unusual points of view of the structure often resulting in painterly like photos.

My photographic intention is to engage the viewer in different vantage points to create conversation for an expanded outlook. Many people have remarked that my unique perspectives seem to “defy gravity”.

My work has been in corporations as well as private collections in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington DC, Virginia, Colorado, Washington, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Utah, and California. [email protected]
Instagram: @debrareabock