Cory Calandra Devereaux

Cory Calandra Devereaux's picture
Neighborhood: Mission

Artist or craftsperson? Am I an artist doing crafts or a craftsperson attempting to do art? I struggle with that conundrum. As a result of my self-inflicted tussles, my two-dimensional work is largely built on flat areas of bright color as in Paint-By-Numbers. I mold these elements with lines drawn in complimentary hues. I also outline in black (an ode to coloring books as) to highlight parts of the composition. I reserve modeling with paint for faces, features, hands, feet.

My three-dimensional art in painted paper mâché, is a “labor of love”. These pieces are consistently reflective of a quirky and humorous life view triggered by my overactive imagination.

So which way should I go? Serious artist or blissfully confused creative person? In the long run, and depending on my mood, I am both. Bottom line, making art makes me happy. Does anything else matter?