Artist Statement: 

My work fuses the decisive moment of Cartier-Bresson with the formal compositional elegance of Di Giovanni and the imaginative sensibility of Goya. The result is imagery that holds the tension between dynamism and meticulous construction in perfect balance. To heighten the sense of magical realism in some images, I make miniature paintings on glass and composite them into the photographs. Other compositing techniques layer delicately tensioned new realities over the original image.

Rich Van Gogh, owner of Liberty Fine Art Gallery in Reno, NV said, "William starts with a beautifully seen moment, but he doesn't stop there. He uses color in such a masterful way that the images seem to glow with their own inner light and luminous atmosphere. The resulting effect is emotionally evocative and stunningly mesmerizing. I've never seen anything like it before."

Artist Display Name: 
William Binzen