Artist Statement: 


My inspiration comes from learning and studying about the way of life in different parts of the world as well as local. Interacting with new and foreign environments fascinates me. My work draws from the many faces, lands, art, and architecture, which I encounter while traveling.

One theme I like to focus on includes the juxtaposing qualities of civilization and nature, sometimes clashing and sometimes in harmony. Another theme in my work is depicting the struggle between preservation and deterioration of cultures and land. The subjects in my work are landscapes, cityscapes, and portraits derived from scenes from my memory and photograph. It excites me to observe the color schemes that nature has brought forth and also to play with this using my imagination. The output is a combination of my experience, thoughts, understanding, as well as experimentation.

I believe art is wonderful platform to promote harmony because it teaches people respect and understanding for each other and our surroundings. I feel lucky and thankful to have the opportunity of experiencing life as an artist. This artistic exploration continues to help me understand who I am.


Artist Display Name: 