Artist Statement: 


The images shown here are from two different series:  Panama and Tropical Storm.This body of work is a follow-up to my Rubber Flower series, my homage to Japanese etchings and Chinese ink wash.Deeply influenced by my love of Asian art, Panama and Tropical Storm represent my celebration of calligraphy.  The strokes I capture with my camera may not represent any word but it captures the soul and energy of movement (chi).  The movement of a simple stroke becomes more important than representation of the subject itself.  For me, calligraphy distinguishes itself from other cultural arts because it emphasizes motion and is charged with dynamic life! These images were captured from a trip to Panama City in 2011.  During my walks around various neighborhoods, I couldn’t help but to image these strokes were trying to tell me something? The stories they witnessed?  The motion and dynamic life are definitely apparent.


“My philosophy of art is pretty similar to my philosophy of life – Smile, it’s free. Beauty is around us all the time. All it takes is to spend a little time, unleash our imaginations and really see what’s there. My ultimate goal is to stimulate awareness and to bring greater pleasure into people’s lives."


Artist Display Name: 