Artist Statement: 

Through Passages, I explore moments of transcendence that happen against the intense chatter of everyday contemporary life. Using found textiles, paper ephemera and wax paint I witness the apparently mundane nature of my days as a mother and grownup, much like traditional quilters used fabric and thread to do. Stepping back to see the rhythm of repetition in my days, I wonder, “Is there beauty here?”


I often start with a pieced layer of shopping and to do lists, receipts, article clippings, calendars and maps— fragments of my daily infrastructure. After painting a foundation of transparent color over the collage, I layer fabric netting which leaves impressions in the encaustic. Then I look for the hundreds of pathways that are left to slowly refine and carve into the surface. I scrape through layers of field color, excavating words and deeds, once important, that got buried in my race to the next thing.


The title Passages refers to time marked through these repetitive gestures, and echoes traditional stitch work.  It also refers to text and storytelling as seen in rows of through lines that appear to flow from left to right. Patterns emerge and suggest a sonorous, calm hum rising out of the hectic daily buzz. And, yes, there is unexpected beauty in these long days and short years.





Artist Display Name: 
Larraine Seiden