Artist Statement: 

     My thoughts have always existed in the place where the two worlds of light and dark collide.  I'm constantly struck by the sheer beauty of life, while simultaneously being aware of the fragility and darker side of it, always maintaining a balance.  Being highly perceptive since childhood, discovering photography in my early 20's provided me with a cathartic  outlet where all my emotions, and ideas could merge as one.   I have a deep interest in wildlife and the patterns existing in nature, as well as those that continually reveal themselves in my own life.  I'm additionally interested in concepts such as intuition, perception and time.  One of the positive aspects of sharing my photography is that it creates a dialogue and  meaningful connection to people, thereby increasing my inspiration.  I view myself and photography as part of the continuous life chain where we all contribute to, learn from and influence each another.  After graduating from the Department of Fine Art at SFSU in the 90's, I shot slide film for many years, but I've made the transition to digital photography in the last 6.  

Artist Display Name: 
Kendall Isotalo