Artist Statement: 

I am drawn to how light shifts our perception of what surrounds us, creating a halo of soft diffusion or pockets of ambiguity. I am intrigued by patterns and distortions in landscapes- where images of what is "real" and what is "reflected" are set adrift or submerged in a nebulous space.

I’ve shifted from pure abstraction to more abstracted landscapes since moving further outside of the city. I mainly draw inspiration from the local wetlands preserve in Sonoma County, though the work is mostly invented in my studio by recalling light and sensations.

The light is inextricably connected to the water, the land, and the atmosphere. These elements have inspired me to create momentary, imagined, experienced, and idealized situations in my paintings. The paint itself becomes a part of the landscape experience- the soil, the light, the sentiment- and it guides the forms that allude to the land.

I marvel at the mystery that exists in the stillness of the shadows. My process has become a romantic exploration of drifting, pulling apart, converging, ascending, and descending.

Artist Display Name: 
Kathryn St. Clair