Artist Statement: 

Metamorphic Ocean Art

We can only begin to fully comprehend and truly experience the world around us as we actively attempt to face its entirety in every given moment, while adjusting ourselves perpetually to its growth.  Metamorphic Functional and Figurative Ocean Sculptures (Metamorphic Ocean Art) is a way for us to approach the expansive breathing soul of our planet by incorporating its living spirit into our material proximity, thus smearing the line between the dynamic nature outside and our constrictive, man-made dwellings.  

In tradition with Nature Art, these pieces use ocean life as the backbone building material.  And although each item partly dries in the absence of ocean water, it, none the less, retains its original agility.  Constantly changing its shape and properties in the context of its surrounding environment—or metamorphosing, it may be regarded as another living part of it. 

Through their evocative shapes and arrangements, these figurines are a life form with a distinctive soul and spirit.  Often surrealistic in their nature, they may resemble predatory creatures with fantastical features.  To surround oneself with their likeness is to embrace the dangers of the real world and accept the “original sin” of humanity—as first proposed by the Romantics and Symbolists at the turn of last century—thereby better appreciating the beauty and romance of life.

Arts and Crafts proponents rightly pointed out that we, as humans, may desire to incorporate nature within our immediate environment to better suit our inner instincts regarding the comfort of a living space.  Metamorphic Ocean Art revives this call amid the modern awareness of the importance of the natural environment.  With their evocative forms, “breathable” material and oceanic origins, these objects incorporate global life and eternal vision into the everyday functions and décor that we touch in the given moment, everyday.

Artist Display Name: 
Ilya Berger