Artist Statement: 

The inspiration for my HumanTreeRobot Series comes from a subject, usually solitary, presented in a lean environment, surrounded by color that enshrouds and highlights. I choose a single subject to convey the idea of focusing on the one in order to better understand the collective. In the instance of a tree, we engage one, before knowing the care, or use, of many. With a human figure (or pair); who we are as individuals helps us to better understand a couple, a group, a society. A series of robots stand silently, touching on the benefits or dangers of technology.  In these representational works, subjects often convey a sense of history or melancholy.   I relate this to paths taken, or the balance of what was and what is to be.   Through my paintings, I strive to achieve a sense of discovery, where at first glance there seems to be a singular subject, but upon further inspection, one can journey deeper into the subtext, exploring a balance between art, artist and viewer.

Artist Display Name: 