Artist Statement: 

 I often work with glass, which is a particularly magical medium. Being translucent yet solid, as an invisible boundary, it simultaneously is and isn’t. This reflects well my intention to make manifest subtle philosophical concepts. The kiln work in the studio is itself alchemical and the effect intended for the viewer is none the less so. My work serves as a portal to that which we recognize as absolute. This transportation can be as simple as losing oneself in an intricate colorful flower pattern; or as complex as visually entering a mysterious architectural structure where a non-linear stage setting appears to be casting a spell.
My current drawing and painting involves recording what is, especially when I am drawing strangers in public. I am not overlaying my message on the subject but the message or mood emerges of it’s own. See more at where I accompany the image with fictional text as a comment on our society and our personal lives in it.
Viewing the 9 x9 series reads more like a painting on a wall. Make a statement like “Yield” or another traffic instruction (navigating through life) but in in a primary and basic way. Modern Heiroglyphics made from coloured glass in molds fired and cut and refired until the thickness and stability of the glass feels more like stone than crystal. The surfaces have the warm friendliness of a worn building who has seen time pass. Friendly and wise.

Artist Display Name: 
Dana Zed