Artist Statement: 

My work often references the life sciences and the human body through mechanical action and movement, drawing comparisons between the ways living organisms operate, and that of machines. Like living cells, the installations I create use light, air, water and electricity, to become functional and interactive. My work often involves the sensation of touch and the element of surprise. It can be playful, alarming, and sensual all at once. I want to blur the line between life and something that mimics life through interaction, growth,movement, or decay.

So much of our perceived well being is dependent on the technology we use to create mental and physical comfort. We are surrounded by simple life support systems such as lighting, air conditioning, and household appliances. When our survival is threatened by physical illness we are plugged into machines to keep us alive. It is our moment to moment relationship with modern technology, both simple and advanced, that informs my work. Most of my installations look like or reference appliances but their intended function is unexpected and therefore creates an uncertain and sometimes humorous relationship between human and device.

Artist Display Name: 
Anja Ulfeldt