Dean Bensen


I create work inspired by the natural world, utilizing either transparency, or the color patterns and textures in nature, to convey my message. My “Transparent Forest” series conveys the overlooked aspects of nature, by creating transparent tree trunks with carved bark detailing the texture of the majestic Redwoods of California. The transparency represents the ability to see through or pass by them as though they do not exist. It reflects the landscape around us, often rendered invisible, as we focus on our busy day to day. We know the forest surrounds us, but we don’t always acknowledge its’ importance, and may not appreciate it until it is endangered or gone.
My fungi pieces utilize patterns in nature to express the cycles of life and death, their significance, and the interplay between the environment and various species. Within the forest, symbiotic elements work in conjunction with each other, to create a mutually beneficial relationship as each species thrives more in working together, than they would alone. The need for symbiosis is a metaphor for our interdependence on one another as well as the environment, and the fragility of glass mirrors the delicate nature of these relationships. Our ability to exist peacefully with others, and to protect our environment’s resources, is a tenuous balance highlighting our interdependence on others and the earth.