Dennis Murphy



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Earth Works Wonders!
We humans are just one of many of her astonishing accomplishments that exist in this World, All comes from the Mother; therefore, all are related and seen as equal. There is no separation; consequently , we are bound together in this Matrix, making us responsible to each other for the sake of one another
Unfortunately, we have lost sight  of our connection to each other, and to the Mother. We are motivated by greed, and this state of our being is slowly deteriorating the aura of our  planet. As we persist in the notion that Earth is meant to be conquered and shaped to our Will, we bare witness to the folly of our ways almost on a daily basis.
When we see Earth going though such drastic  upheaval, we must ask ourselves “But what are we to do? and how can we help ourselves and our Home?"
Whether we want to face the harsh reality of this impending crisis or not, our species is in survival mode. As the World changes, we must first learn to adapt to the new situation that befalls us. Then we need to learn to change drastically our Attitudes and Behaviors in Mind and in Action! Achieving this will increase our self-respect, and the Respect and Love towards each of us and towards Mother Earth.
In Life we are always given choices. Now is no exception.
 Change or Die!